Rubik's Cube for Beginners
These terms will be used in algorithms of this solution.
- U = Upper (top) face
- D = Down (bottom) face
- L = Left face
- R = Right face
- F = Front face
- B = Back face
- A letter by itself means to turn that face clockwise 90 degrees (e.g. F)
- A letter with an apostrophe after it means to turn that face counterclockwise 90 degrees (e.g. F')
- A letter with a 2 after it means to turn that face 180 degrees (e.g. F2)
To decide whether to turn clockwise or counterclockwise, pretend that you are looking at the face you are turning. In the algorithms, the core of the cube should not be turned (unless you have x, y, or z in the algorithm, but those are not used in this beginner solution).'s notation page explains this notation with pictures, and also has some notation not used in this solution, such as "x."The following is taken from the reference pdf file.